Donate Tickets

Effective January 15, 2018, the Ticketline program will transition to the USO Warrior and Family Center at Fort Belvoir. All contact information (email address and phone number) for Ticketline will remain the same. See below for new ticket donation form and addresses for shipping/mailing tickets.

Thank you for considering donating tickets to the USO of Metropolitan Washington-Baltimore. Due to generous donors like you, we can distribute tickets free of charge to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. Your donated tickets will never be sold, traded, bartered, or used for raffles or auctions by USO-Metro unless solicited for that purpose with your knowledge. We sincerely appreciate your generosity.

If you wish to donate tickets, please:

  1. Click here to go to the Ticketline Donation Form.

  2. Mail tickets and donation form to

  • USO-Metro Ticketline, 5940 9th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 (FedEx or UPS)
  • USO-Metro, P.O. Box 1471, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 (US Postal Service)

Questions? Contact or call (M-F 9-3) (703) 254-6067

Thank you for donating tickets and creating unforgettable experiences for our service members and their families!