
On the path forward, we’ve got your back.

Sign up for the Pathfinder program here

Resources for Your Transition from Military to Civilian Life Support from the USO at Fort Belvoir doesn’t end when you leave the military. USO Pathfinder extends the USO at Fort Belvoir experience to you and your family as you transition from military service and settle into your new civilian community.

The USO Pathfinder at Fort Belvoir transition program offers best-in-class services to those exiting the military. Its one-of-a-kind approach includes:

  • Personalized assistance – Pathfinder employs scouts, individuals who work one-on-one with service members and their families to help them achieve their personal and professional transition goals by building an individualized action plan.
  • Powerful, on-demand tools – From a strategic partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring our Heroes, USO offers an app-based Resume Engine that accurately translates military experience into a powerful civilian resume that is then connected to a vast network of companies that are seeking to hire service members. Service members will also use a virtual mobile action plan among other digital resources.
  • Worldwide access – The USO Pathfinder program at Fort Belvoir is part of a network of USO Pathfinder program locations – located on military installations, airports and in military communities. No matter where you are going, Pathfinder will help you throughout the process.
  • Partnerships – Pathfinder is connected to long-standing partners in communities across the nation. Its “network of networks” is made up of strategic and supporting partnerships with best-in-class public and private entities that provide services and resources for individuals to use both on a national and local level.

Ready to start planning for what’s next? Sign up for the Pathfinder program here

For additional information, please contact Ellen Lemieux, Site Manager Fort Belvoir 571-257-0156 or email

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