
USO-Metro connects community organizations, companies and individuals who would like to donate tickets to the local military population, who can register to receive them for free.

TicketLine opportunities are open to active duty, reservist, and active National Guard service members as well as their military dependents (with military ID) within the Washington-Baltimore region.

To Donate Tickets, Click Here.

Click Here, Select the “Ticketline” check box and Sign Up to Receive Emails When Tickets Become Available

TicketLine Contact Hours are 9:00am - 3:00pm, Monday - Friday.

  • TicketLine Email: ticketline@usometro.org (Please note that tickets may not be reserved via email)
  • TicketLine: (703) 254-6067

TicketLine Policies for all events:

  • If you win tickets, are contacted by TicketLine, and do not reply to your winner email, you will be ineligible to win tickets the next time your name is drawn in the lottery. Similarly, if you win tickets, confirm acceptance of your tickets, and then fail to pick-up your tickets at the lounge, you will be ineligible to win tickets the next time your name is drawn in the lottery.

  • Only reserve tickets if you are certain you can attend the event. If tickets are reserved and you do not use your tickets/fail to attend an event for which you accepted seats, USO-Metro will place a 6 month ban for you to receive tickets from TicketLine.

  • USO-Metro asks that you do not call ticket donors or venues directly in search of additional tickets or services. This may negatively affect the future of our TicketLine Program. If a donor contacts us to report such contact you will be banned from receiving future tickets through TicketLine.

  • The tickets received from USO-Metro are not transferable or to be resold. If you cannot use the tickets received from us, please return them to the TicketLine office for proper redistribution. If you resell or transfer tickets received from USO-Metro you will be banned from receiving future tickets through TicketLine.

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