USO-Metro Celebrity Supporters Jump Start the USO's FlexforForces Campaign
Chef Robert Irvine took to Twitter on #ArmedForcesDay to spread awareness of the USO’s mission by challenging Phil Heath, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Sinise, and Tim McGraw to #Flex4Forces
Flexing with @the_USO on #ArmedForcesDay! I nominate @PHILHEATH @Schwarzenegger @GarySinise @TheTimMcGraw to #Flex4Forces next!
— Robert Irvine (@RobertIrvine) May 20, 2017
Accordingly, Tim McGraw accepted Chef Irvine’s challenge, and nominated Brett Farve to #Flex4Forces
Accepting the challenge, Brett Farve then nominated Dak Prescott, Ashton Kutcher, and Garth Brooks!
Among many celebrities and people all over the country; Dak Prescott, Ashton Kutcher, and Garth Brooks accepted the #Flex4Forces challenge and spread our organizational message to millions!
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