A Special Holiday Message to USO-Metro Volunteers

As we begin to wrap up another successful season of holiday programs, we can’t help but to feel touched by the kindness of our incredible USO-Metro community. With your help, USO-Metro was able to serve military families with holiday moments and memories that many will never forget. We are so thankful for the generosity of all of our amazing volunteers, sponsors, and donors that made this year’s holiday programs such a great success.

From Turkeys for Troops, to Trees for Our Heroes, and finally Project USO Elf, our dedicated volunteers and sponsors truly helped to make these programs possible.

To all of our volunteers and sponsors, know that your actions do not go unrecognized. Here are a few words of thanks from the individuals you impact each day.

Events like these help in these trying times. They allow us to focus on things that are important and not have to worry about money for the family dinner. Thank you to all the volunteer staff and everyone that donates to make these events possible.

-Turkeys for Troops Participant

Thank you for all your dedication and support! It really means a lot to our family! This event shows what the real meaning of Christmas is. It also helps our children enjoy the season.

-Trees for Our Heroes Participant

I thought this was an amazing program. The volunteers made it an especially enjoyable event through their thoughtful actions. I was worried about sneaking the gifts past my children, and they offered to help wrap them for me. Thank you so much for what you do!

-Project USO Elf Participant

To learn more about volunteering for USO-Metro, visit usometro.org/volunteer.

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